- This bag has ample space to store all of your essential items, including electronic devices, multi-tools, air gauges, journals, and even weapons. Yes, you heard that right. You can store weapons in this bag. We won't judge you for what you put in there, as long as you can carry it comfortably.
- The Skadi Tactical Chest Rig Bag also has amazing accessibility. The perimeter zipper releases a fold-down 'shelf' surface, allowing you to open up the bag completely to the bottom. This means that you can quickly grab whatever you need without having to dig through the entire bag. Whether you're in a hurry or just lazy, this bag has got you covered.
- This bag can be used for a variety of purposes, from everyday carry (EDC) to hiking, hunting, fishing, and even self-defense in certain situations. Yes, you heard that right. The Skadi Tactical Chest Rig Bag is so versatile that you can use it to defend yourself from an attacker. Don't believe us? Just try it and see for yourself.